There are 70 million posts being published every month by WordPress users, and guess what!
Unknowingly now we are also one among those users.

WordPress is a premium choice to start tech blogs (others also prefer the same), and it was ours as

Pandemic has been hard on the world and the global business landscape has been challenged, but
simultaneously, it has allowed people to discover the scope of living with a lot more confidence.

We were hit by the pandemic as well, but it couldn’t hit our zeal, optimism, and enthusiasm for
finding InfosBook. We met and brainstormed the blog in a quick span.

The world of technology and digital marketing is way beyond what we think, there are millions of
users already associated with tech and DM blogs, but there is a lot more scope of driving a new
generation. We created to bring sound and trending information to our users who are in search of
valued content.

InfosBook is the brainchild of a young, dynamic developer whose key of life is innovation, and query, and a quirky writer who believes that there is nothing impossible in this universe. We are two different identities, but have the same state of mind.

With InfosBook, we will keep educating, and empowering our Tech & Digital Marketing community.
Our ultimate goal shall be providing the freshest and latest practices to audiences awaiting to
improve their knowledge base.

Our blog focuses on putting long from, and short-form content for Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence,
and Machine Learning. We also have a paid Guest Blog section that would contain SEO and other
digital marketing practices.

All the best! Keep reading us and we promise, we’ll be engaging you like always.